Areas of focus
Judy D. Johnson & Kim Stephens, Co-Chairmen
Strengthen Our Sisterhood – serves as the foundation of the initiative, incorporates sisterly relations, soror squads, and random acts of sisterliness.
Sister Squads
Sister Squads are focused on building greater bonds of sisterhood around common endeavors or activities through intimate small groups.
AKA Pals
AKA Pals will allow members to create cross-regional relationships to allow for greater fellowship.
Random Acts of Sisterliness
Random Acts of Sisterliness offer an opportunity for members to share random acts of care and compassion.
“We Are One” AKA Service Day - Team Leader: Chanel Bond
During our annual MLK Day of Service, all members will join together, volunteer and serve the community side-by-side.
Leadership Development - Team Leaders: El Rhonda Williams Alston & Lisa James-Beavers
Undergraduate and graduate members, across all life stages, will engage in a modern, interactive, and high impact leadership development program.
Sisterhood with One Accord
Leading with Purpose & Power
Hats off to the Leadership Development Committee for hosting a phenomenal chapter retreat on Saturday, August 27th at the Doubletree Hotel in Mount Laurel. Under the direction of Marsha Debow and Yvette Sample, more than 90 members of the Theta Pi Omega Chapter participated in a number of team-building and sisterly bonding exercises. Our new Program Committee, under the direction of our First Vice-President, Tanya Y. Jackson, kicked off the 2022-2026 program launch with a bang, igniting us all to "Soar to Greater Heights in Service and Sisterhood". The day was topped off by the Lovely Ladies Luncheon hosted by the Sisterly Relations Committee chaired by Shadiyah Andrews and Sherlie Blaise. We were blessed by the presence of the 31st North Atlantic Regional Director, Evelyn Sample-Oates, and our new Madame Regional Director Elicia Pegues Spearman, Esq. who served as the keynote speaker. At the luncheon, members enjoyed a host of sisterly games, activities, dancing, and more! It was indeed a wonderful day to be an AKA and made us all TPO Proud to be a part of such a wonderful event. Tea Roses to ALL for ensuring Theta Pi Omega is positioned to SOAR to greater heights in the F.I.R.S.T region!

Lovely Ladies Luncheon

Members of Theta Pi Omega Chapter and invited guests painted the theater pink and green during a visit to a local movie theater to see "The Woman King" . Hosted by the chapter's Strengthening Our SIsterhood Committee, this event was a wonderful opportunity to not only see a great movie but to fellowship and strengthen our ties as sorors and sister-friends.