The 18th Biennial Cotillion Program
Theta Pi Omega’s Biennial Cotillion Program is an academic, social, and cultural experience for young women and men. Established in the Spring of 1989 by Mrs. Clara Airall and her daughter, Zoila Airall, the program has enriched the lives of hundreds of participants throughout Southern New Jersey. With the exception of 2022, the Cotillion Program has been held biennially since its inception.
Throughout the program, Debutantes (female high school juniors and seniors), participate in various educational, civic, and extracurricular programs designed to enhance their academic development, community engagement, self-confidence, and social interactions. At the completion of the Cotillion journey, the Debutantes, together with Junior Debutantes (female high school freshmen and sophomores) and Escorts (male high school students), are presented to their loved ones and community in a Debutante Ball.
Theta Pi Omega Chapter’s Cotillion has awarded thousands of dollars to deserving young adults in scholarship money and book awards. We are proud of the Cotillion’s legacy in positively impacting the lives of young adults throughout our community and beyond.
There will be a Cotillion Orientation for young ladies and men and their parents/guardians on Sunday, April 16, 2023, at 2:00 pm.
The attire is business casual.
The applicant must attend the 18th Biennial Debutante Cotillion on Saturday, April 6, 2024.
Being a debutante in the 18th Biennial Debutante Cotillion Program requires hard work and can reap great rewards, including scholarship money to participants meeting all program requirements. Therefore, there are some significant expectations for each young lady.
Things to Consider
Pay a $400 non-refundable program fee
Sell no less than 10 patron/journal ad pages
Sell no less than 10 Cotillion Ball tickets (at a cost $125.00 per ticket) to friends, family, and other supporters
Attend all scheduled program events
Have an adult escort for the presentation (typically a father or father figure)
Complete the required community service project
Create an electronic memory book
Participate in the talent show
Learn and perform, with a partner, simple to moderate dance routines
Respectfully participate in all weekly dance sessions
Follow the direction of the Cotillion staff/instructors/volunteers
Maintain the minimum required academic 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout the program
Stay with the group while on site and while in attendance at Cotillion related outings
Expectations of all Debutantes
(Jr Debutantes and Escorts, see application for Expectations)
Program Fee: $400 which covers all workshops, dance rehearsals, light refreshments at dance rehearsals, a cultural activity for participants, the mother/daughter tea ticket for the debutante, and a Cotillion ball ticket for the debutante
Ticket Sales: Each Debutante will be required to sell no less than10 tickets to the Cotillion Ball at a cost $125.00 per ticket
Cotillion Ball Gown: Each debutante will be responsible for the purchase of a cotillion ball gown as per established guidelines and approved by the Debutante Co-Chairmen
Ad Journal: Each debutante will be required to sell no less than 10 patron/journal ad pages
Financial Requirements

Come learn more about the Biennial Cotillion Program. This session will share more details about program involvement and will answer all questions.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
2:00-4:00 PM
Orientation Session
Monday, May 8, 2023
Due11:59 PM
Application Due Date
Debutante and Junior Debutante applications are due by May 8, 2023 by 11:59 pm.
Escort applications are due on
May 22, 2023 by 11:59 pm.
Monday, May 22, 2023
Due11:59 PM
Program Fees Due
Debutante and Junior Debutante fees are due by 11:59 pm.
Escort program fees are due on
June 9, 2023 by 11:59 pm.
Debutantes and Junior Debutantes and one guardian are requested to join us in the event of the season.
Sunday, June 4, 2023
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Mother Daughter Tea
Debutantes, escorts, and guardians are requested to join us in the event of the season.
*Jr. Debutantes will have a separate schedule
Sundays, Starting September10, 2023
2:00-5:00 PM
Weekly Rehearsals Begin
You are cordially invited to join our Debutantes, Junior Debutantes, and Escorts in the 18th Biennial Cotillion Ball.
Saturday, April 6, 2024
12:00-5:00 PM
Cotillion Ball
“To my mind we should all be too busy for petty things, too big for smallness, too intelligent not to see what happens when we stoop to them”
-Ethel Hedgeman Lyle
Editor: Cotillion Committee
Orientation for All Participants
Sunday April 16, 2023
Come learn more about the Biennial Cotillion Program. This session will share more details about program involvement and will answer all questions.